Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 12 Sun 24/6 - Another Rainy Day Camp at Road Station,20km to Misaki Port

Today Distance :93.9km    Total: 580.5km
Today weather : 18 -22c    Rainy all day
Time on Bike : 6 hr 04min
Ave speed : 15.4kmh       Max : 54.0
Ave Climb : 3%                Max :16%
Trip Altitude : 771m            Max :629m
Today spend : 1623 yen     Total :28322 yen

We promised to leave the fire station at Mimido by 7,we kept our promise with 15 min to spare and off we go, with the rain not that heavy,we still put on our raincoat to feel more comfortable.From route 33 and after rode thru' 2 tunnals,we turn into route 380,then follow by a very long descent of 12km passing thru' many pipe forest,as the road is very winding and wet,so we were very cautious and in full alert on the incoming traffic with the help of big reflective mirror at every sharp bends.The rain did stop for a few moments but never be too happy early,as it came back at any times, unlike back home in malaysia,it pours heavily in one shot. In Oda, we stop at the road station to buy some camp foods,we got ourselves lost after getting on to the expressway,after we made an exit, we couldn't find our intended route 197 which will lead us to Yawatahama,instead we went to a wrong route 44 which will be very hilly.We approached a group of smartly dress Japanese men and women,chicken and duck talk,but we got the message,we went on the wrong way and need to turn back, one of them was kind enough to lead us by asking us to follow his car.Judging from the way,i would say an experience cyclist too will get himself lost with the confusing road signs,with turning here and there without any not at all our fault.We arrived in Yawatahama at 3pm but against the idea of getting a ferry to Kyushu Island,instead we proceed on the way to Misaki Port which is another 42km to go, from the map,there is a road station halfway,which we camped for the night and taking the ferry tomorrow .

Fire Station 4x4 next to our tents

Japan has 70% of his land by mountains,no surprise to see many tunnals

Morning mist cover the mountains

Taking route 380 to Ozu

Oda road station

Another tunnal

Ozu town

Overhead expressway are common

Lunch at Lawson convenient store

Approaching a big city Yawatahama

Again tunnal,so no hard climb

Even have tunnal for bikes

Bike tunnal at the exit

Thick fog when we arrived at the station by 4.45pm

Tents setup at the walkway with roof,no worry if rain

Had our wet clothings hang up

My dinner,rice,fried egg with cucumber and sardine cabbage soup


  1. Nice are not only enjoying ride but nice food too.

  2. did u ever get your wet cloths fully dried?
