Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 7 Tue 19/6 - Raining all the way to Onomichi

Today Distance :45.9km    Total: 289.7km
Today Temp : 18 -25c
Time on Bike :3 hr 12 min
Ave speed : 14.3kmh       Max : 38.0
Ave Climb : 2%                Max : 11%
Trip Altitude :233m            Max :240m
Today spend : 550 yen     Total :22930yen

This morning everything was in a mess as our campsite was flooded due to continuous rain and the river overflowed its bank and attacked our camp,we quickly pack up but still most of our stuffs were all wet.Shercco was forced to ride with one and a half feet of water level to get on to the road. We re-organise ourself at the  convenient store and only started to ride off at 9 when the rain looks ok. Our target is to get to Onimichi which is about 50 km, but first we had to get pass Fukuyama,30km away.It seems no other way except route 2 that we had to follow on the bicycle lane.We stop at a children playground where there is an old train head for us to dry our stuffs.We had our lunch at a fast food restaurant by the road side.Ramen again for me 550yen,while Sherco have 2 bowl of rice 400yen and slice pork 700yen.Sherco complaining very expensive, as compared to Malaysia one bowl of rice only rm 1.So think twice if you want to come to japan.Today;s ride  is quite similar than yesterday except the rain, yesterday was ok. At 3.30pm ,we were started to look for place to stay with another 5 km before reaching Onomichi town. We saw one temple or shrine and i went to check it out, so happy that the man that i approached allows us to stay on the wooden hut,but cannot setup the tents,cooking is strictly outside the hut.Arigato gozaimas,what we need is a place to sleep and bathe to change from wet clothing to dry and a good rest.
Sherco cooking in his tent
Cloudy sky and the annoying rain
Luckily there is bike lane in the tunnal
Nice place for us to dry our stuffs
Nice special bike lane in Kasaoka
Waiting for the green light to cross a beautiful bike lane
Again no worry, a bike lane is there for 443m
How it look look like in the tunnal
Our stay tonight
Sherco and our bed,why need tent if a roof is there
Walking around the temple

Water fit for drinking in the temple
Water from the mouth of Dragon

Staircase to the top of the temple




  1. Good shelter in a shrine....for your future ride probably you should look for shrine as shelter.

  2. Definitely i will,another good place is the rest park which we had stayed for 2 night
