Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 5 Sun 17/6 - Everything was Ok Except the Rider

Today Distance :80.6km    Total: 202.0km
Today Temp : 20-29c
Time on Bike : 5hr 07 min
Ave speed : 15.7 kmh       Max :61.5
Ave Climb : 1%                Max : 4%
Trip Altitude :617m            Max :176m
Today spend : 3740 yen     Total :20878 yen

My stomach is still not feeling so good, even though Sherco given me some medicine to consume, anyway we had to move. after packing and another pack of instant mee  as breakfast,we set out at 8 am,but we had to pust our bikes back on the road. Our target today was to reach Okayama which is about 77km from Himeji , still following route 2, Compare to yesterday which is mostly flat around the city, today we saw some climbs and the sceneries is much better with the mointain views,and also some beautiful lakes. At one point, Sherco signaled me to stop as he found something interesting,later i came to know he was attracted by a group of off road motocycles parking in front of a supermarket, we had a little conversation and happily posting picture, this is our first physical interaction with the local so far, Japanese by general are shy. Our road also passed thru 3 tunnals today,we fixed up our front and rear lights,although the tunnals have enough light, never take for granted,as safety is always the 1st priority. Finally we reached Okayama around 4.30pm and start looking for a place to stay.Luckily Sherco has a gps to guide and he was successful in finding one lodging while i was totally flat lying near a carpark to wait for him. The lodging cost per head 3200 yen including breakfast. We cooked our dinner at the top balcony and slept early. 

Have to push our bikes up 

Cycling out of Himeji,so clean...

Started to see some climbs

Okayama our target

Train lines crossing the river

Up..Up...and UP....

Nice scenery

Off road bikers

First tunnal

Nice lake beside the road

Burial ground

Long way up

Rest stop

Fishing village down in the lake

View of the lake from the bridge

Bridge connecting the island

Our room 3200 yen

Breakfast including

With the Japanese sleeping dress


  1. Sifu Meng, hope you are getting better by now. Could be just a glitch inside your body that is making your stomach not happy. The room you had was huge and 3200yen with breakfast sounds good. About last photo...if you don't smile then look exactly like Japanese :)

  2. Ronnie, the room is actually 3200 yen per person,thats why we got a big room for 2 persons.You know what, everywhere i go, the local always say i look like them.what other info you can share with us since you have vast experience in Japan.

    1. 3200yen per person may be a little expensive...most of my time were in Tokyo and I did have a little time in Kansai. The people there is nice and you may get some help (place to stay or food/medicine/water) as long as you can speak with them. Don't ask them about direction because they can't find their way back if the train/subway or GPS is not working.

  3. Ya,that is exactly the scenario when u asked them for direction, ended up i had to bow and say arigato many times in order to excuse myself
