Today Distance :71.1km Total: 920.2km
Today weather : 25 -34c Cloudy with evening rain
Time on Bike : 4 hr 55 min
Ave speed : 14.4 kmh Max : 53.5
Ave Climb : 2% Max :7%
Trip Altitude : 363 m Max :131 m
Today spend : 1613 yen Total :43159 yen
We are about 500km to Osaka,and Sherco already started counting the days as he will be flying home on the 9th of July, and he told me must at least do 70 km per day to reach Osaka,and have enough time to do shopping.So today considered target achieved. I had studied the map and there is no big climb except for some roller coaster ride .The town that we passed thru' is Hofu,Aio,and Shunan.We saw many paddies fields,its a planting season now in Japan on almost every vacant lands available.Japan don't import rice as i think they are self sufficient. I love eating the Japanese rice,a little sticky than our normal rice but most important is you feel stomach full and satisfaction after eating. Its extreamly expensive and cost 500 yen per kilo,that is Rm 20 in Malaysia.So sometimes i am only eating instant mee for dinner. Well,back to the ride,the weather was cooling and for the past 2 days,good for us to clock longer distance,once we hit 70 km,we started to look for place to camp as we knew there wasn't anymore road station ahead, we spotted a park and Sherco was fast to check it out, and the result is excellent,with few tap water,power plugs and the most unexpected is the eight shower heads that used to find in the swimming pool. We really had a good wash. The only negative part of it is, the 30 min rain after we had our dinner.
Road Station in Yamaguchi where we camp last night |
Heading to next town Hofu on route 25 |
One of the several bridges we crossed today |
Paddies planting season now everywhere in japan |
This road station in Aio is too early for us to camp |
Lawson, one of the popular convenience store we frequent |
Charging my laptop outside the store |
Superb tunnel with adequate lighthing |
Broad bike lane above a flyover |
Another tunnel is coming up |
And another on the hilly coastline |
Certain strectch of hilly road has no bike lane but a narrow shoulder |
Stopping for a good view on the village down in the valley |
Stopping for a good view on the village down in the valley |
Stopping for a good view on the village down in the valley |
Stopping for a good view on the village down in the valley |
Surprise Ramen noodles restaurant up on the hill |
Big bowl of Ramen a bit overprice for 500 yen |
Wonderful park camp in Shunan |
Happy find from Sherco when we were desperate |
Sherco busy taking pictures with his tripot |
This is really wonderful and unexpected |