Today Distance :85.2 km Total: 1167.9 km
Today weather : 24 -28c Cloudy with scattered afternoon showers
Time on Bike :5 hr 0 min
Ave speed : 17.0 kmh Max : 48.0
Ave Climb : 2% Max :9%
Trip Altitude : 387 m Max :279 m
Today spend : 1507 yen Total :52730 yen
If you noticed our camping are mostly at the road stations, being our 1st choice,if not the park ,the 2nd choice ,both have facilities of water and power , then came the 3rd choice or rather no choice under the bridge or in the bushes.Our lunch will be either the roadside fast food restaurants or buying ready packed foods in the convenient stores and heat it up in the oven.Dinners will be at the campsites self cook.After dinners, where Sherco will be on viber call with his family thru his Galaxy smart phone,while i am busy updating my blog before going to sleep. Ok, today don't want to talk about the ride being a very uneventful day.
Hi-tech restroom in Miharashinmeinosato road station,much like an operation theater |
Hi-tech restroom in Miharashinmeinosato road station,much like an operation theater |
I have one admirer in the morning |
We changed direction on the way to Kojima |
We came back the same point here in Onomichi after 15 days |
Not sure whether these are planted or wild grown |
Look out point in the park where we camped |
Park camp |
Park camp |
Staircase to the lookout point |
Sifu Meng, picture says thousand words. I know it is hard to explain everyday ride. With the photos you share does help to tell the reader or follower what you went through today.