Today Distance :77.8 km Total: 1082.7 km
Today weather : 22 -26c Cloudy with scattered morning showers
Time on Bike : 4 hr 48 min
Ave speed : 16.2 kmh Max : 61.0
Ave Climb : 2% Max :13%
Trip Altitude : 654 m Max :394 m
Today spend : 1884 yen Total :51223 yen
We only stay one night in K's House cos' we don't really like the place,besides of a little pricey,the room is small . We had visited 2 World Heritage Sites of Peace Memorial Park and Miyajima Otorii Gate,so there is no reason for us to spend another 3500 yen. Except for a little morning shower rain, the ride was quite comfortable,cooling breeze even in the afternoon couple with mostly tailwind,we really enjoy our ride today even on the uphills. There were few very dangerous tunnels that we went thru' and each time we emerged from it,we feel like coming back from hell. And in one of the tunnel,we were stopped by not one but 2 police cars ,we were told bicycle are not allowed,and so we were directed to go to the bypass road near the coast.The policemen are really friendly and helpful.When our meter had clocked 70km,we started to look for place to stay,and we found one from our map.Miharashinmeinosato road station was the best that we had stay.The man told us not to setup our tents outside,but can stay inside on the sofa,we did our cooking outside with a bird eye's view of the Mihara town and a few islands around with full moon
Leaving K's House in morning shower |
Riding along the river almost overflowing by the rain |
Cranking up a long stretch of wet road surface |
Divert to this temple of many Buddhas |
The temple on the uphill |
The man incharged open the dome door for us to go in |
What we saw inside |
Donations for each Buddha is 3 millions yen |
Aiya,i should had hide my hands |
This tunnel is not for bicycle |
And then we were escorted by the Police car to a bypass road |
View from the Miharashinmeinosato road station |
View from the Miharashinmeinosato road station |
View from the Miharashinmeinosato road station |
Try to pronouns the name and count the number of alphabets in it |
Place where we cook |
Place where we sleep on the sofa |
Beautiful night scene with full moon |
That temple with dome looks like Thailand. IMHO, sleeping on couch is better than in tent. You 2 are lucky with the help from police and road station staff. :)
ReplyDeleteFrankly speaking,we still prefer our own tents. Both of us can't really sleep well with the tv and lighting on the whole night. We don't know how to switch them off as well.